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People who really know Cardinals

We focus exclusively on the Cessna Cardinal and we know them better than pretty much anyone. We provide services to Cardinal buyers, sellers and owners around the world, helping them better navigate each of these stages of Cardinal ownership.

Keith's over 30 years of Cardinal experience and engineering degree makes him uniquely qualified to help you not only know the state of a Cardinal, but also to help you learn and understand it yourself.

That experience and knowledge helps buyers get quickly up to speed, owners better manage their maintenance and sellers find the right home for their Cardinal when that time comes.

If you're buying, know where you stand before you finalize your negotiations. The Cardinal Inspection process is partly inspection, partly training and partly introduction to the Cardinal community. This experience will give you a great start on Cardinal ownership and help you avoid expensive surprises down the road.

We also have services to advise and help you through the process of purchasing a Cardinal with minimum fuss.

For Cardinal owners, new eyes with deep Cardinal experience can help you learn a lot about your airplane. Receive a list of concerns, needed maintenance or improvements you can make over the next several years and learn first hand how to be a more engaged and knowledgeable participant in the maintenance of your airplane.

We can also help inform even very experienced mechanics about the common issues and solutions to things they may not be familiar with, if they are open to new information.

If you are selling a Cardinal, find out in advance what you will need to resolve before the deal is done by having an independent review on hand with the information your buyers will need. If you commission the inspection you may share it with all your sellers, making the sales process quick and easy.

We can also help you find a good home for your Cardinal, with years of experience helping owners sell their Cardinal without the hassles and aggrivation of posting ads themselves. We are not a standard broker, more of a matchmaker to help connect buyers and sellers through a pleasant and respectful process.

The Cessna Cardinal is an outstanding aircraft, perfect for personal ownership. There is much you can learn by joining and participating in the Cardinal Flyers Online organization, which we highly recommend. When you need or desire direct, hands-on assistance with a particular aircraft or transaction, KDP Solutions is here to help you.

Feel free to contact us to discuss your specific needs.
