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What to expect from a
KDP Cardinal Inspection

Thanks for your interest in the KDP Solutions Cardinal Inspection.

A Cardinal Inspection goes far beyond finding a list of issues. It will also inform, educate and support you through the process. You will receive information useful to the negotiation as well as knowledge, context, expectations and alternatives which will help you operate, care for and maintain the inspected aircraft for years to come. We are very glad to help you.

If you are able to attend the inspection, it will be an interactive experience: a conversation between the inspector, buyer and airplane. Each issue discovered will be shown, described, context explained, alternatives and costs considered and questions answered. This is the recommended approach.

If you cannot attend or wish to have pictures of the findings, a detailed report can be delivered (via web) consisting of photographs of each finding and a written discussion. Substantial extra effort is required for this report and there is an additional cost. Please let me know before the inspection begins if you would like the detailed report so appropriate pictures can be taken along the way.

For video inspections, the process starts with planning who will be on site. The inspection is done through a Zoom meeting, with the on-site phone handle by the buyer, seller or local mechanic. The same checklist is used, and the same report will be generated. Cameras are very good these days... I often see and identify issues which on-site mechanics have not noticed, and have trouble seeing. You may choose to also attend by video, or to be on-site.

The video inspection process has worked out very well, finding issues as well as an in-person inspection at a much lower cost, especially considering the inflated cost of travel post covid.

For all inspections you will receive an inspection report with the issues listed in categories, including Airworthiness, Value affecting, Do before purchase, Do before flying home, Do soon, Next Annual and Future Annuals. These categories may be adjusted to match the situation.

If you choose to also hire a local A&P mechanic they are welcome in this discussion and will be included in a value adding way. Sometimes hiring an A&P for an hour of consultation can bring access to a shop for the inspection. Seller involvement can be helpful but can also become a distraction. Consider the personality of the seller and your relationship with them before inviting them to actively join the inspection.

Location: Depending on the climate and season, an open ramp can be used with some reduction of ability to see into the deeper parts of the airframe. A hangar with a reasonably clean floor is much preferred if possible and will result in a better inspection.

Tools: I will bring along the required tools, although it can be handy to have a creeper for looking at the belly, a mechanic's chair or stool and an electric screwdriver if possible. For video inspections, the planning document covers the tools required.

Access and permission: We will need the keys and permission to access the airplane and its environment and to perform tasks which the FAA allows for an owner, ie cowl removal. .

The Inspection: The inspector will spend time with the airplane and with the log books. The sequence is not usually important. Often circumstances suggest a best approach. The total time required will be 4-7 hours.

For video inspections, the on-site person will be directed to show each checklist item in turn, totalling some 250 items. The process takes between 2 and 5 hours, depending on the experience of the on-site person and the issues found.

The engine, prop and airframe logs will be reviewed for key items. Typical maintenance items will be noted and compared with observations. Items often missed will be specifically checked for compliance.

The inspector will check a large number of items, using a checklist to assure completeness. Items of interest, whether good, bad or unknown, will be pointed out verbally. Feel free to ask questions or point out things that you may observe. Completeness is more important than speed and your questions are important. As items are checked off the checklist, notes are taken and pictures taken. A running summary is often created at the same time to help with later discussions.

Once the checklist is complete the list of findings will be reviewed with you in detail. Issues will be categorized to help you understand which issues are showstoppers, which you should negotiate for resolution before purchase and which should be completed before flying home. There will also be a list of items to be addressed soon, at the next few annuals and things which you should simply know about your airplane.

Thank you for letting us assist you.

Keith Peterson, KDP Solutions
